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Chapka travel Insurance

covid-19.png Covid-19 - What is covered by your policy?


What is covered :

  • Cancellation due to a quarantine justified by a medical authority and justified before departure by supporting documents.
  • Cancellation in case of denied boarding after your temperature is taken, or after the PCR and/or antigen test comes out positive on your arrival at the airport of departure. (Proof issued by the transport company that refused to board you, or by the health authorities, must be sent to us).
  • Cancellation you are declared a “contact case” within the fourteen (14) days prior to departure, upon supporting documents declaring you “contact case” and requiring isolation.
  • Cancellation due to a hospitalization due to Covid-19 of a family member or yourself.
  • The interruption of your stay if you are affected by Covid-19 or if one of your family members is hospitalized due to Covid-19.
  • Your late arrival on site due to a delay to travel to your destination because you are affected by Covid-19 or one of your family members is hospitalized due to it.


What is not covered:

  • Cancellation due to lockdowns requested by the government, authorities, or without medical justifications.
  • Cancellation due to closed borders/airports at the departure and destination.
  • Cancellation because a quarantine is imposed at destination.
  • Cancellation because my destination is impacted by Covid-19 and I am afraid to get infected or be imposed a quarantine.
  • Cancellation due to a Covid-19 quarantine when my test results are negative.
  • Trip interruption if my destination or holiday location is on lockdown or a declared state of emergency.
  • The cost of the mandatory PCR test in order to get to your holiday destination



This answer only relates to: TRANQUILOC, Cap Vacation Rental.