If you get your insurance before travelling, you are covered from the first day you indicate in the subscription form.
But you must be in good health at the time of departure and when you subscribe to the policy as the insurer does not cover pre-existing conditions.
Beware: there is a 180-day waiting period for pregnancy related expenses.
I am already abroad and I want to subscribe your insurance, do I have a waiting period?
If you are already travelling, a 12-day-waiting period applies for all the covers of your policy. However, this waiting period does not apply in case of an accident duly proved by the authorities.
So, for your medical expenses:
- If you get sick and go to the doctor: during the first 12 days it won't be covered ;
- However, if you have an accident you will be covered.
Why a waiting period? Because it's an insurance, not a national health security. Insurances cover unforeseeable diseases and exclude any pre-existing condition.
This answer only relates to: Cap Student, Cap Working Holiday, Cap Tempo Expat, Cap Volunteering.