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Chapka travel Insurance

An insurance policy always contains exclusions.

Certain exclusions apply to all insurance cover. This means that they are never covered n by your travel insurance, regardless of the cover taken out (medical expenses, repatriation, public liability, etc.). 


Exclusions are a matter of common sense and insurers will never cover you in the following circumstances: 

    • if you acted recklessly or negligently;
    • if you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
    • if your claim is the result of deliberate action on your part (suicide, deliberate offence, brawl, etc.)

Extreme and dangerous sporting activities such as the following are not covered:

  • Motor and aerial sports, ski jumping, mountaineering, parachuting, speed riding, zorbing, streetluge, base jump…
  • Sport in official competitions (leading to regional, national or international rankings) or during training for competitions
  • Record attempts


Because people may have less road sense when travelling, it is important to note that expenses incurred in connection with a motorcycle or bicycle accident (whether you were the driver or a passenger) will not be covered if you were not wearing a helmet, if the vehicle you were using is larger than 125 cm3 or if you do not have an appropriate permit.

When travelling in France and abroad, don’t forget that you are required by law to wear a helmet (even on a deserted island in Asia where rental companies do not require you to do so).


Our competitors also apply these exclusions. Other exclusions may also apply, so please check the general terms of your policy. Our exclusions always appear against a grey background so are easy to identify.

Our advisers are at your disposal to provide details of what your policy does not cover

This answer only relates to: Cap Student, Cap Working Holiday, Cap Tempo Expat, Cap Volunteering.